Send Your Music to Phantom Circuit
Submissions are welcome
We enthusiastically welcome music submissions from creators and labels who think their music may fit into this very unusual show. It's quite eclectic, so don't fret if you're not sure, just be aware that Phantom Circuit is particularly keen to play music that is evocative and out of the ordinary.
On this page...
How to submit your music
It's so very, very easy to send music to Phantom Circuit but please read this section carefully.
- The audio files must be in MP3 format only.
- Those MP3s must, of course, be correctly tagged to show artists, track titles and album title.
- Send one link for each album/EP (e.g. if your album has 12 tracks, that's one download link please, not 12!). The email address to use is .
That's pretty darn easy, isn't it? I look forward to hearing your music. Thanks!
Your Questions Answered
"Will my music be played?"... "How can I find out when my music has been played?"... Please see the FAQ page.
Permission to play
When you submit music to Phantom Circuit, you are giving permission for that music to be included in editions over the Web, radio, podcast or other platforms it may use, with no consequent payment required from you to Phantom Circuit nor from Phantom Circuit to you.
When a platform used by the show collects playlist information for their own royalty payment arrangements, Phantom Circuit endeavours to supply this information to assist but has no financial interest or obligation in such arrangements.