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Phantom Circuit #437: Vision Off

Phantom Circuit 437

Audio on.

Music by Cliff Johns Sound, Lamberto Macchi, Christophe Bailleau, Modern Silent Cinema, R. Pregadio, Nobuka, Simon McCorry, Leo Mariño, Heroarky, Happy the Man, Kitchen and the Plastic Spoons, Oderous Bait, Samarobryn, Basil Tait, Northern Valentine, Jürgen Pluta, Fay Lovsky, Peter Patzer and Stereo Minus One.

First broadcast by Beachy Head Radio on Thursday, 27 February, 2025.

Hear the show on Mixcloud.


0:00:01Cliff Johns SoundGoofyGirl in a Suitcase
0:01:19Lamberto MacchiVisionDowntown
0:04:58Christophe BailleauNo way but O'Insight and Vision
0:10:19Modern Silent CinemaPassage XXIVPassages XXII-XXXII (for Solo Piano)
0:12:32R. PregadioTrame nel SilenzioGiallo 1 (Ambiente - Movimento)
0:16:28NobukaVeculerI Only Like Difficult Art (and music)
0:23:49Simon McCorryStormI Only Like Difficult Art (and music)
0:33:49Leo MariñoEl Proceso de la Noche¿Es Esto Música?
0:35:47HeroarkyReawakeningHealing Process
0:46:05Happy the ManBarking SpidersThe Muse Awakens
0:50:15Kitchen and the Plastic SpoonsHappy FuneralBest Off
0:53:41Oderous BaitSmell the PlasticSprouted Volume 4.010
1:00:52SamarobrynEchoes in FlightSprouted Volume 4.010
1:09:18Basil TaitBalloon FlightBasil Tait's Synthesized Sounds
1:10:14Northern ValentineThe Balloon HoaxThe Stylus : Volume 1 (EP)
1:13:19Jürgen PlutaValentyneBlanche
1:22:44Fay LovskyYawn BluesJoPo In MoNo
1:24:37Peter PatzerWhite and BlueFormation 17
1:27:05Stereo Minus OneAnother Me Is Probably Being Asked If He's OkayDead Petals at the Other