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Phantom Circuit #434: Luxury

Phantom Circuit 434

"We used to get up, select a variety of music according to arcane criteria, record links and sound inserts and provide track listings complete with timings, all for no shillings per decade. You tell that to the youth of today, and will they believe you?"

Another stimulating variety of music for those who like to listen rather than simply hear! Where are you? Oh, there you are!

Music by Simon Heartfield, Chaos Doll, Charlie Good, David Van Tieghem, Vivenza, Vacant Possession & Basic Tape Loops, Kilmarth & D-Fried, Moon Birds, Dom La Nena, Heribert Thusek's Xylophonie, Toxic Chicken, Bit Cloudy, Nyorai, Anywhere, New Musik, Martin Dupont, Aera, Aoire, Willie Baker and Moog Plays Abba.

First broadcast by Beachy Head Radio on Thursday, 30 January, 2025.

💬 "I'm so happy to hear this show as it gives me hope to hear that there is so much good and interesting music out there." 💬 "The tracks fit together really well, as always of course."

Hear the show on Mixcloud.


0:00:00Welcome to Phantom Circuit
0:00:54Simon HeartfieldInner AscentThe State of Social Movement
0:07:41Chaos DollA Better PlaceThe Loving Embrace of Societal Collapse
0:10:03Charlie GoodThe Palace Part ICharlie Good
0:13:36David Van TieghemFrost PalaceThrown for a Loop
0:17:55VivenzaThéorie de la Contradiction 3Home-Made Music For Home-Made People Vol. 4: "Loopy But Chic" (Harsh Blend)
0:19:50Vacant Possession & Basic Tape LoopsScratching PostIntimate Spaces of Everyday Life
0:26:54Kilmarth & D-FriedAlltagsmusikMicrometeoritic Flowerpot
0:34:06Moon BirdsBaby MoonCosmos Nº1
0:36:34Dom La NenaOiseau SauvageTempo
0:38:55Heribert Thusek's XylophonieTempo-TempoTest Card Music 2
0:41:07Toxic ChickenGround for PlayXyloph
0:45:21Toxic ChickenOverstandBuff!
0:48:04Bit CloudyOverdeepening (The Leaf Library Remix)Overdeepening (The Leaf Library Remix)
0:52:49Bit CloudyMirror FalloutMaximum Rejection
0:58:21NyoraiJikagami (地鏡)Shinkirō (蜃気楼)
1:00:27AnywherePyramid MirrorsAnywhere
1:06:34New MusikLuxuryAnywhere
1:10:15Martin DupontIt's SoSleep Is a Luxury
1:14:08AeraJonas SchläftHumanum Est
1:18:21AoireArthur BakerArthur Baker bw Biggar Bank
1:22:15Willie BakerNo, No BluesMamma Don't Rush Me Blues
1:26:29Moog Plays AbbaMamma MiaMoog Plays Abba
1:29:15Thank you for listening to Phantom Circuit